
Habitability and (possible) Colonization of Mars – Einstein Circle, Einstein Foundation, December 2, 2022

The Einstein Circle explores the OTHERNESS ON EARTH AND BEYOND through the INTEGRATION of  PERSPECTIVES FROM NATURAL SCIENCES, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES. The symposium with title "Habitability and (possible) Colonization of Mars" will take place on 2nd  December 2022, where we have an invited talk. Follow the link: Exoeinstein Berlin for more information.
Elias Chatzitheodoridis
October 27, 2022

6th NoRCEL CONFERENCE: Chemical Informational Universe

Dates/Venue: 9-11 August, 2022 / University of St. Andrews, Scotland Registration page: https://norcel.net/6th-norcel-conference-chemical-informational-universe/ Is life nothing but a large network of chemical reactions and cycles, endlessly recycling itself with ever greater complexity? Surely something else is involved! Just as writing communicates knowledge through language so the human genome conveys information…

1st Latin American Colloquium

The latest initiative of our network is to create science hubs across the continents. The first, focussing on Latin and South America is organised by Miryam Palacios Perez from Mexico, with the support of Savio de Torres Farias from Brazil. Regardless of the fact that these areas are still continuously…
Elias Chatzitheodoridis
January 15, 2022

Συνέδριο: Space Law and Governance

Πρόσκληση στο συνέδριο του AbGradE "Space Law and Governance" Διοργανώνεται ψηφιακά στις 7 Μαΐου 2021, στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Η εκδήλωση απευθύνεται κυρίως σε νέους, φοιτητές και επιστήμονες που ενδιαφέρονται για τα νομικά θέματα και Δίκαιο του Διαστήματος, και πως αυτά αλληλεπιδρούν με την Διαστημική Έρευνα, την Εμπορική χρήση και αξιοποίηση…